Health & Safety Policy
Statement of General Policy
Gardiner Associates Training & Research Ltd intends to ensure the health and safety of all its stakeholders, visitors to company premises, and anyone else whose health and safety might be affected by our actions, specifically:
• To prevent accidents and cases of work-related injury or ill health and provide adequate and appropriate control of any risks arising from work activities;
• To provide adequate information, instruction and training to ensure associates, students and assessment candidates are competent and can carry out their work in a safe manner;
• To engage and consult with stakeholders on health and safety conditions and provide advice and resources;
• To implement appropriate emergency procedures without delay when required;
• To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and to ensure safe storage/use of substances;
• To undertake risk assessments for any hazards likely to be encountered by associates and visitors to company premises and put in place reasonable and appropriate control measures to minimise any risk;
• To regularly review the Health and Safety Manual and associated documents, and revise / update where necessary;
This general policy will be put into effect through the following organisation.
Ms Jill Warwick, as Managing Director, will ensure that the resources to comply with statutory obligations and good practice are made available. All other Directors will support that commitment. Mr Malcolm Jenkins is the Health & Safety representative at Board level and is also the “competent person” in compliance with Regulation 7 of the Management of Health & Safety Regulations 1998.
He will ensure that risk assessments are carried out to comply with Regulation 3 (1). The significant findings of those assessments will be recorded and drawn to the attention of all employees.
Gardiner Associates Training & Research Ltd safety arrangements will be subject to regular periodic review. Any significant new information will be communicated to all stakeholders and incorporated into daily workings at the earliest opportunity.
New associates and contractors engaged by the company will all be subject to a Health and Safety Induction; All associates are required to review the risk assessments annually and to confirm that they have read and understood them; The management team asks for any Health and Safety related matters that need to be addressed or included / excluded, in an updated assessment, are communicated to Malcolm Jenkins at the earliest opportunity; Relevant guidance documents issued by the HSE are available to all associates; Day-to-day supervision of health and safety matters at the practical fire-ground will be the responsibility of the site director or a person nominated by him/her at those locations; A daily health and safety briefing must always be held when personnel are on site, before any activities commence; Associates are expected to co-operate fully with the management team and each other to implement the Company’s Health and Safety policy; Due of the nature of work carried out, there will be cases where an individual’s experience and qualifications will be especially valuable and he/she may be asked to contribute to risk assessments; If associates have any reason to suppose that a risk assessment is or may become outdated or invalid, he/she will draw it to Mr Jenkins attention who will take the appropriate action;
Arrangements: The arrangements to support this policy are supplied to all consultants on an annual basis and provided to any other third party as and when they are required to undertake work at the site; Policies and procedures relating to the current CVD19 situation are produced separately to reflect the dynamic nature of the national response to the pandemic.
© GATR Fire Investigation Training & Research
Company Reg # 0778 7575
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GATR Phoenix Heights Fire & Research
Sculpins Lane,
Essex, United Kingdom