News – UKAS & ISO 17020
The Forensic Regulator Act 2021 gave the forensic regulator powers to ensure that accurate and reliable scientific evidence is used in criminal investigations, in criminal trials and to minimise the risk of failure. It states that persons performing forensic science activities should implement and operate an effective quality management system that meets the requirements of the code thereby producing reliable results and where necessary accreditation to a standard assessed by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).
The code of practice outlines the forensic science activities to which the code applies. INC102 Examination of Fire Scenes and INC 103 Examination to Establish the origin and cause of an explosion are included however the current version of the code does not apply and therefor has no requirements set for compliance including any for accreditation.
The Forensic Regulator does however state that he intends to issue guidance documents for the Examination of Fire Scenes to support accreditation to ISO 17020 and intends to incorporate these guidance documents into the next version of the code as an appendix, this addition will be subject to consultation.
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GATR Phoenix Heights Fire & Research
Sculpins Lane,
Essex, United Kingdom